Empire Quay House Hoarding
services art direction, illustration
designed at in store
Empire Communities is one of North America’s largest family-owned home build company, and one of their newest projects is right here in Downtown Toronto. Quay House will be a condo development on Queens Quay East, featuring an incredible location with the waterfront on one side, and the downtown core on the other.
I developed this hoarding design concept to compliment the versatility of Quay House’s location. Their tagline ‘where the city and waterfront meet’, emphasizes the duality of the site. From an easy-as-pie work commute to endless nightlife options, there’s nothing out of reach at Quay House.
Art Direction
To represent the versatility of the location visually, I took abstract shapes and created two scenes centering them. An oblong disk is a kayak in one frame, and a bartop in another; a spotlight transforms into a bike path and a presentation board becomes a basketball hoop.

Behind the Scenes
The provincial government needs to approve all hoarding artwork before it is produced, and there are regulations for what percentage of the design can be text, advertisement or ‘art/story’. I was responsible for submitting the City Application for the design, and calculated the necessary percentages for the project to be approved. Good news: it was!